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The Krafla Magma Testbed Symposium

Reflecting on a Successful Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) Symposium

The Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) Symposium, themed "Together, toward a greener and safer future," was held successfully from 10-12 April 2024 in Museum Mineralogia München, Germany. This event brought together a distinguished group of scientists, researchers, and industry experts to share their insights and advancements in the fields of geosciences and deep-drilling engineering.

Event Highlights

The symposium was a platform for vibrant discussions and knowledge exchange on topics crucial to understanding the Krafla volcanic and geothermal systems. Key sessions covered areas such as geology, geophysics, petrology, rheology/rock physics, geochemistry, and geoengineering.

Participants had the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions, fostering collaboration and building a community of experts dedicated to advancing research and innovation in these fields. The event also featured keynote presentations, a rock exhibition, and poster sessions that highlighted the latest research around Krafla and analogue systems.

Book of Abstracts now available for download!

We are pleased to offer the KMT Symposium Book of Abstracts for download. This comprehensive collection features the abstracts of presentations and research shared during the symposium.

Download here.

General Programme

Wednesday 10 April 2024 – Plenary Sessions
13:00 – 14:30
Plenary Session 1
Chair: TBA
14:30 – 15:00
15:00 – 17:00
Plenary Session 2
Chair: TBA
17:00 – 17:30
Reception at the Symposium venue
19:00 – 22:00
Dinner at the Townhall.
Thursday 11 April 2024
09:00 – 10:00
Session 1 – Geothermal system exploitation
Chair: Vordís Eiríksdóttir
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 12:00
Session 2 – Reservoir rock properties and fluid flow
Chair: Guðjón H. Eggertsson
12:00 – 13:00
Lunch + Poster session
13:00 – 14:00
Poster session
14:00 – 15:30
Session 3 – Magmatic conditions at Krafla
Chair: John Eichelberger
15:30 – 16:30
Break + Poster session
16:30 – 17:30
Session 4 – Magma response to drilling and engineering practices
Chair: Paolo Papale
17:30 – 18:00
Poster session (+ drinks)
Friday 12 April 2024
09:00 – 10:15
Session 5 – Geophysical properties of the volcano-geothermal system
Chair: Freysteinn Sigmundsson
10:15 – 11:45
Break + Poster session
11:45 – 12:45
Session 6 – Hydrothermal fluids and associated hazards
Chair: Marlene Villeneuve
12:45 – 13:00
Closing statements
14:30 – 16:30
Lab tour at LMU
(In groups of ~15-20 people)

Plenary Sessions

Wednesday 10 April 2024
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 13:15
Welcome words
13:15 – 13:25
Krafla Magma Testbed: The Initiative
John Ludden – Chair, Board of Directors, KMT
13:15 – 13.35
Inception of KMT: A Vision for Advancing Geoscience
John Eichelberger – Professor Emeritus, University of Alaska Fairbanks
13:35 – 13:45
Transformative Contributions of KMT to Volcanology: Advancing Understanding and Mitigation of Volcanic Hazards
Paolo Papale – Research Director, Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology,
13:45 – 13:55
Current Landscape of Geothermal Energy Worldwide and in Iceland: Embracing the Magma Energy Revolution
Vordís Eiríksdóttir – Director, Geothermal Operations, Landsvirkjun
13:55 – 14:15
KMT Science Plan
Yan Lavallée – Chair of Magmatic Petrology and Volcanology, Ludwig-Maximillian University
14:15 – 14:30
Announcement of the Establishment of the KMT Non-Profit Organisation
Björn Þór Guðmundsson – CEO, KMT
14:30 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:30
Geophysical constraints on the structure of Krafla and how it compares with other central volcanoes in Iceland
Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson – Professor, University of Iceland
15:30 – 16:00
KMT and EPOS: Horizons of Collaboration in Data Management
Kristín Vogfjörð – Coordinator for Geoscience Research, Iceland Meteorological Office
16:00 – 16:30
Engineering challenges of drilling into magma and extracting its energy
Sveinbjörn Holmgeirsson – Geoenergy Consulting
16:30 – 17:00
KMT Outreach and Education
Ben Kennedy – Professor, University of Canterbury
17:00 – 17:30
Reception at the symposium venue
19:00 – 22:00
Dinner at the Townhall.

Detailed Programme

Thursday, 11 April, 09:00 – 10:00
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
Samuel W. Scott
Power generation potential of superhot geothermal wells
Marlene Villeneuve
Informing deep geothermal reservoir rock mass properties from drilling data – experience from IDDP-1
Tobias B. Weisenberger
IDDP-2 – Drilling into supercritical conditions – What do we know and what remains hidden in the subsurface?
Gunnar S. Kaldal
Increased Structural Integrity of Borehole Casings by using Axial Thermal Expansion- and Annular Pressure Relief-System for use in HT-Thermal Wells
Thursday 11 April 2024, 10:30 – 12.00
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
Steffi Burchardt
Dynamic cap-rock formation above a silicic magma reservoir, Reyðarártindur pluton, Iceland
Roberto Davoli
Subsurface soil and lithology alteration shaping degassing at Krafla caldera, Iceland
Jackie E. Kendrick
Mechanical behaviour of geothermal reservoir rocks at Krafla
Anthony Lamur
The impact of fracture generation on fluid flow in the Krafla geothermal reservoir
Shane Rooyakkers
IDDP-1 in context: Insights from Krafla’s past rhyolitic eruptions, and the link between the 1724 and 2009 CE magmas
Gunnar Gunnarsson
IDDP3 and beyond – what’s next?
Thursday 11 April 2024, 14:00 – 15.30
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
John Maclennan
Distinct but linked magma storage zones fed the 1975-1984 Krafla Fires eruptions
Marize Muniz da Silva
Storage conditions of rhyolitic magma at Krafla, Iceland: an experimental Investigations of IDDP-1 glass samples
Oleg Melnik
Numerical simulation of the formation of the IDDP-1 rhyolitic melt (Krafla volcano, Iceland)
Anastassia Borisova
Experimental investigation of kinetics of basaltic melt-felsic crust interaction: Implications for the Icelandic rhyolite genesis and the felsic crust delamination
Ilya Bindeman
Convective Melting and Water Behavior around Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition: Stable Isotopes and Numerical Modeling with Application to Krafla Volcano, Iceland
Edgar A. Cortes-Calderon
Lithium Behavior in the Krafla Volcanic Zone: A Comparative Analysis between Surface Rhyolites and Felsic Cuttings from the Iceland Deep Drilling Project -1 (IDDP-1)
Thursday 11 April 2024, 16:30 – 17.30
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
Mike Cassidy
The ethics of volcano geoengineering
Ben Kennedy
Insights into the Krafla magma body from fossil intrusions and drilling returns
Janine Birnbaum
Magma vesiculation and upwelling in cylindrical boreholes: outgassing and buoyancy
Yan Lavallée
Vesiculation and outgassing from rhyolitic magma at Krafla volcano: implications for drilling and research strategies
Friday 12 April 2024, 09.00 – 10.15
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
Ana Martinez Garcia
3D crustal density distribution of the Krafla Volcanic System.
Elisabeth Glück
Multi-scale seismic imaging and related seismicity patterns of Krafla volcano and its geothermal system
Regina Maass
Reflection imaging at Krafla volcano using local earthquakes: challenges and possible solutions.
Max Moorkamp
Using magnetotelluric data for determining the 4D evolution of active magmatic systems via both campaign and continuous data streams
Jo Gottsmann
Geodetic signature of thermal modulation of magma
Friday 12 April 2024, 11.45 – 12.45
Oral presentations for each session (15-min talks), Room C123
Finnbogi Óskarsson
The fluid chemistry of the superhot IDDP-wells in Krafla, Reykjanes and Hengill, Iceland
Andri Stefansson
Supercritical fluids around magmatic intrusions
Giulio Bini
Soil CO2 emission and stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) of CO2 and calcites reveal the fluid origin and thermal energy in the supercritical geothermal system of Krafla, Iceland
Bettina Scheu
Insights into pre-eruptive conditions priming steam-driven eruptions in geothermal areas: Lessons from Víti crater at Krafla volcano

Key Outcomes

  • Community Building: The symposium successfully brought together experts from various disciplines, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and the sharing of diverse perspectives.
  • Research Insights: Attendees gained new insights into the Krafla volcanic system, with presentations and discussions providing a comprehensive review of current knowledge and future research directions.
  • Innovation and Collaboration: The event facilitated the formation of new potential research  partnerships and collaborative projects aimed at addressing critical challenges relevant to science and engineering of the KMT.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all speakers, presenters, and participants who made the KMT Symposium a success. Special thanks go to the Organizing and Scientific Committees for their dedicated efforts in planning and executing the event.

Stay Connected

As the KMT initiative continues to gain momentum, we look forward to ongoing collaboration and innovation. Stay connected with us for future updates and opportunities to engage with the KMT community.

You can reach us at